History of Swear Words
6 EPISODES • 2021
Season 1 of History of Swear Words was released on January 5 and consists of 6 episodes.


1: F**k
Jan 5, 2021
The silly putty of the English language, our most malleable swear word can refer to sex, rage, confusion, excitement and a whole lot more.
2: Sh*t
Jan 5, 2021
With medieval roots as a term for excrement, this filthy vulgarity evolved over time into something much more versatile — and sometimes even positive.
3: Bitch
Jan 5, 2021
Though it literally means "female dog," in recent years, some women have started to reclaim the "B word" as a term of strength and solidarity.
4: D**k
Jan 5, 2021
You can have one or you can be one. But how did an unassuming nickname for "Richard" become one of our most popular swear words?
5: Pu**y
Jan 5, 2021
From its feline origins to its modern slang uses describing genitalia or insulting manhood, learn how "pu**y" has stood the test of time.
6: Damn
Jan 5, 2021
Though quite mild when compared with its profane brethren, "damn" has maintained its meaning from biblical times and can still pack a punch even today.
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